1. Mr. Tambourine Man - Audio Bed
2. Maggie's Farm - Audio Bed
3. Intro / All I Really Want To Do (19
4. North Country Blues - Stereo
5. With God On Our Side - Stereo
6. Talking World War Iii Blues - Stere
7. Who Killed Davey Moore? - Stereo
8. Only A Pawn In Their Game - Stereo
9. Blowin' In The Wind - Stereo
10. Mr. Tambourine Man - Stereo
11. Johnny Cash / Joan Baez - Stereo
12. It Ain't Me, Babe - Stereo
13. Joan Baez Interview - Stereo
14. With God On Our Side - Stereo
15. Chimes Of Freedom - Stereo
16. If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Or Else Yo
17. Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Stereo
18. Idolized / Who Needs Him Anymore? -
19. Rehearsal - Stereo
20. Maggie's Farm - Stereo
21. Like A Rolling Stone - Stereo
22. Mr. Tambourine Man - Stereo
23. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Ster
24. End Credits/ Restless Farewell - St
25. Interview With Director: Murray Ler
26. Interview With Director: Murray Ler
27. Interview With Director: Murray Ler
28. Interview With Director: Murray Ler
29. Interview With Director: Murray Ler
30. Interview With Director: Murray Ler
31. Intro / All I Really Want To Do (19
32. North Country Blues - Surround Soun
33. With God On Our Side - Surround Sou
34. Talking World War Iii Blues - Surro
35. Who Killed Davey Moore? - Surround
36. Only A Pawn In Their Game - Surroun
37. Blowin' In The Wind - Surround Soun
38. Mr. Tambourine Man - Surround Sound
39. Johnny Cash / Joan Baez - Surround
40. It Ain't Me, Babe - Surround Sound
41. Joan Baez Interview - Surround Soun
42. With God On Our Side - Surround Sou
43. Chimes Of Freedom - Surround Sound
44. If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Or Else Yo
45. Love Minus Zero / No Limit - Surrou
46. Idolized / Who Needs Him Anymore? -
47. Rehearsal - Surround Sound
48. Maggie's Farm - Surround Sound
49. Like A Rolling Stone - Surround Sou
50. Mr. Tambourine Man - Surround Sound
51. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Surr
52. End Credits/ Restless Farewell - Su