1. Little Gate's Special (A)
2. Prelude In C Major (B)
3. To A Broadway Rose (B)
4. Who's Excited? (B)
5. Easy (C)
6. Moten Swing (Part 1, C)
7. Moten Swing (Part 2, C)
8. The Beaumont Ride (C)
9. Featuring The Boys (D)
10. The Lion And The Mouse (D)
11. Savage (D)
12. Hold The Phone (D)
13. These Foolish Things (B)
14. Needlenose (B)
15. Jumpin' On The Merry-Go-Round (B)
16. Lucky Number (B)
17. Just Kiddin' Around (B)
18. September Song (C)
19. East Coast Blues (C)
20. Friar Rock (C)
21. Redigal Jump (C)
22. The Last Mile (C)
23. 's Wonderful! (B)